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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Uhl, Joseph M WL - 4Grounds WL Service $ 29,854.35
Uhlig, Susan D WL - 4VisandPerfArt Limited Term Lect $ 18,859.62

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
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Rohler, Andrew WL - Managerial Communica Temporary
Uhl, WL - 4EAPS Mgmt/Prof
Edging, Catherine WL - Creamery License Admin/Prof
Edging, Dean WL - Creamery License Fellowship Pre Doc
Baugh, J Chrisly WL - Certificate Program Faculty
McDonald, Kimberly WL - Animal Sciences Operations/Technical
Scheurich, Scott WL - Animal Sciences Student
Guthrie, George NC - Communication Clerical
Nelson, WL - Animal Sciences Service
Matijevich, Anka CAL - Counseling Ctr Limited Term Lect
Janes, Troy CAL - 1FacandCapProj PAA/PRF/PolyTech

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