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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Ticen, Kerry L WL - College of Engr Admi Admin/Prof $ 53,800.87
Ticen, Susan M WL - 4MMD Service $ 29,647.58

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Ticen, WL - Birck Nanotechnology Post Doc
Rothwell, Arlene FW - FW Computer Science Clerical
Mantica, WL - NEESComm Center Fire/Police Mgmt
Kissinger, Peter WL - Operations and Mainten Service
Grigsby, Zachary WL - 4RecandWellnes police
Miller, Marybeth WL - Agronomy Distance Ed faculty
Cisneros, Beatriz WL - Human Research Parti facult
Cauble, Patricia WL - Field Extension Educ Fellowship Pre Doc
Purzer, Senay WL - Vice President for S Admin/Prof
Yan, WL - IN-IL Sea Grant Operations/Technical
Das, Chittaranjan CAL - 1DeanStud Limited Term Lect

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