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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Thomas, Aaron M WL - WL TARK Admin Support $ 22,647.03
Thomas, Adrian T WL - CISTAR Professional $ 29,524.04
Thomas, Alan M WL - Krannert Computing C Professional $ 58,627.04
Thomas, Allison D FW - Music Limited Term Lecture $ 2,701.16
Thomas, Andrew J WL - Infrastructure Servi Professional $ 109,606.04
Thomas, Anthony C FW - School of Education Limited Term Lecture $ 8,495.99
Thomas, Candice WL - Physics & Astron Post Doc $ 42,406.60
Thomas, Caren S NC - NC Building Services Service $ 36,087.29
Thomas, Carrie A WL - PLaCE Continuing Lecturer $ 24,951.53
Thomas, Charles R WL - Ind St. Chemist Professional $ 4,785.40
Thomas, Charnell CAL - Academic Center for Professional $ 32,919.20
Thomas, Cheri A WL - Academic 3 Professional $ 47,078.66
Thomas, Clayton A WL - Building Services - Service $ 11,554.13
Thomas, Felicia D WL - PUSH Service $ 24,752.80
Thomas, Geoffrey M FW - 2OfCommMrk M/P Professional $ 12,220.34
Thomas, Jane E CAL - Managerial Studies Faculty $ 135,252.35
Thomas, Jency A WL - Exploratory Studies Professional $ 3,857.65
Thomas, Jodie L WL - Ag Economics Professional $ 51,685.71
Thomas, Jody M FW - Music Limited Term Lecture $ 26,555.86
Thomas, Jonova WL - Materials Eng Fellowship Pre Doc $ 15,507.69
Thomas, Joseph WL - Pharm Prtc Faculty $ 173,117.28
Thomas, Kimberly CAL - Finance & Bus. M/P Management $ 177,447.60
Thomas, Margaret E WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 57,038.07
Thomas, Morgan G WL - Health Sciences Service $ 13,650.00
Thomas, Nathan B WL - Eng. Education Professional $ 52,769.00
Thomas, Noah D WL - Golf Course Maintena Temporary $ 3,589.45
Thomas, Patricia A WL - Sociology Faculty $ 97,597.76
Thomas, Randall s CAL - Central Heat-Cool Service $ 64,636.11
Thomas, Renee A WL - Black Cultural Cente M/P Management $ 144,842.70
Thomas, Richard K WL - Rueff School of Desi Faculty $ 107,030.93

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Thomas, FW - Grounds Service
Perez, Cynthia WL - Quantum Sci/Eng Inst Resident
Rettew, Donna WL - Managerial Accountin Professional
Stratton, Sara WL - LSAMP/AGEP Post Doc
Turbek, Peter WL - Human Development an PAA/PRF/PolyTech
Patsekin, Valery WL - Hawkins Hall Non Pay
Dong, Suchuan WL - College of Liberal A Mgmt/Prof
Clare, John WL - CARE Program Intern
Krause, Joni WL - 4Convenience Fire/Police BW Sal
Ni, NC - Student Counseling Fellowship Pre Doc
Harvey, Shannon CAL - Graduate School Adm Continuing Lecturer

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