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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Thom, James M WL - Aviation Technology Faculty $ 97,951.53
Thom, Melanie A WL - Agronomy Temporary Cler/Serv $ 2,784.00
Thoman, Lynda J WL - Department of Manage Faculty $ 88,803.98
Thomas, Adrian T WL - Computer Science Admin/Prof $ 47,337.78
Thomas, Alan M WL - School of Management Admin/Prof $ 13,334.41
Thomas, Allison D FW - Music Limited Term Lect $ 8,231.50
Thomas, Andrea L WL - IT Customer Relation Admin/Prof $ 52,789.02
Thomas, Andrew J WL - 4ITIS Admin/Prof $ 95,301.24
Thomas, Arthur W WL - Technical Assistance Mgmt/Prof $ 80,101.32
Thomas, Asia R WL - Honors College Operations/Technical $ 34,427.38
Thomas, Bradford J FW - Marketing Publicati Admin/Prof $ 28,402.00
Thomas, Caren S NC - Building Services Service $ 25,609.34
Thomas, Carrie A WL - International Progra Admin/Prof $ 23,187.22
Thomas, Charles R WL - Office of The Indian Admin/Prof $ 45,047.38
Thomas, Charnell CAL - 1AdvisingCtr Admin/Prof $ 44,731.26
Thomas, Cheri A WL - 4FinAffPrvst Admin/Prof $ 44,869.10
Thomas, Clayton A WL - Building Services Service $ 7,730.41
Thomas, Dorcas A WL - Registrar Operations/Technical $ 36,761.28
Thomas, James C WL - 4DineCater Service $ 4,556.00
Thomas, Jane E CAL - School of Managemen Faculty $ 58,040.82
Thomas, Jeffrey L WL - Graduate School Admi Operations/Technical $ 7,759.34
Thomas, Jessica A NC - Chemistry Faculty $ 67,806.15
Thomas, Jodi M FW - Music Limited Term Lect $ 5,500.99
Thomas, Jodie L WL - Field Extension Educ Admin/Prof $ 46,954.74
Thomas, Joseph WL - Department of Pharma Faculty $ 162,057.72
Thomas, Katherine M WL - Psychological Scienc Faculty $ 46,024.86
Thomas, Kristi D NC - Developmental Studie Admin/Prof $ 40,144.86
Thomas, Mary B FW - Continuing Studies Limited Term Lect $ 8,408.97
Thomas, Michael L FW - Bursar and Student F Clerical $ 2,333.29
Thomas, Michael D WL - 4Police Dept Temporary Cler/Serv $ 861.00

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Thom, WL - Mech Admin/Prof
Albert, Madelon NC - Admissions facult
Currie, Melanie FW - 2HospTourMgt Post Doc
Guzey, Sukru WL - 4Wind Dining Support
Hawkes, Stephanie WL - Windsor Residence Ha Temporary
Beaudoin, Diane WL - 4Op and Maint Clerical
Tyryfter, CAL - Mathematics Comput Clinical/Research
Gruenbaum, Ellen Wl Faculty
Gurganus, Kayla WL - WL CQ RA Mgmt/Prof
Panici, Melissa FW - Testing Services Operations/Technical
Ulmschneider, FW - Special Events Fire/Police Admin

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