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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Thayer, Jay S FW - Development Office Admin/Prof $ 55,413.36
Thayer, Jennifer L WL - Sponsored Program Se Admin/Prof $ 45,229.44
Thayer, Jessie A WL - Certificate Program Operations/Technical $ 19,158.84
Thayer, Tammi L WL - Environmental and Ecol Mgmt/Prof $ 37,787.64

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Thayer, WL - University Press Mgmt/Prof
Richmond, Douglas WL - Computer Science Temporary
Holladay, Laura FW - Human Services Temporary Cler/Serv
Rieck, Julia WL - Business Office VPR Temporary A/P
Riggs, Shirley WL - Lass Student Career Student
Holford, Kenneth WL - Lass Student Career Fire/Police Mgmt
Bugusu, WL - 4Mgmt facult
Rieck, Julia FW - Psychology Operations/Technical
Rich, Christy WL - Engineering Educatio Limited Term Lect
Holewinski, Michelle WL - Maps and Records Faculty
Vinson, Nicole WL - 4Mccutcheon Admin/Prof

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Halloway, Abdel

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