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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Teague, Christopher M WL - 4ITIS Mgmt/Prof $ 68,957.01
Teague, Thomas J FW - 2Cont Stdies Limited Term Lect $ 22,781.84

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Teague, WL - Villa Pizza Admin/Prof
Baker, WL - Statistics Mgmt/Prof
Buller, Randall NC - Financial Aid Temporary Cler/Serv
Chambers, Brett CAL - Central Heating and C Clinical/Research
Pitts, Brandon WL - Science Outreach Student
Kumari, Rashmi WL - Parking Facilities Operations/Technical
Naranjo, NC - Heating and Power Limited Term Lect
Gajdos, CAL - Admissions Service
Myers, Vance WL - Tarkington Residence M/P Professional
Ogle, NC - Financial Aid Police Hourly
Grimmet, Kharon WL - Honors College Faculty

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