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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Tao, Bernard Y WL - 4Ag and Bio Faculty $ 132,064.79
Tao, Weiguo A WL - 4Biochem Faculty $ 172,020.57
Tao, Zui WL - 4HTM Food Sv Temporary Cler/Serv $ 7,327.52

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Tao, NC - Student Counseling Temporary Cler/Serv
Younis, Nashwan CAL - 1PubSafety Faculty
Brazzel Cain, Dallas WL - Academic 1 Temporary A/P
Chapman, John WL - Transportation Servi Student
Skrynnikov, Nikolai WL - Accounting Services Service
Bledsoe, Sonya NC - Admissions M/P Professional
Showalter, FW - Dental Education Mgmt/Prof
Donah, Karen NC - Heating and Power Clerical
Coburn, WL - Tarkington Residence Admin/Prof
Kim, Minchi WL - 4RCAC Limited Term Lecture
Rasmus, Jean NC - Development Office Limited Term Lect

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