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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Swank, Kristine A WL - Oncological Sciences Admin/Prof $ 9,385.11
Swank, Melinda E WL - Sponsored Program Se Clerical $ 25,800.23
Swank, Paulina M WL - Office of Treasury O Admin/Prof $ 70,626.90

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Swank, NC - Behavioral Sciences Admin/Prof
Campbell, Brian FW - Printing Services Faculty
Kim, Bieong-Kil WL - Department of Econom Mgmt/Prof
Hershman, WL - Rolls Royce Temporary Cler/Serv
Calve, Sarah FW - Visual and Performing Limited Term Lect
Calhoun, Mark WL - CARE Program Operations/Technical
Schuelka, Steven FW - Medical Education M/P Management
Sarjent, Scott WL - KRACH Ops Clerical
Caldwell, Nathan CAL - 1Transport M/P Professional
Caldwell, Nathan NC - Communication Student
Dinkelman, CAL - Maintenance Professional

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