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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Steuver, Jodell K WL - Columbus Statewide T Faculty $ 62,750.70

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Steuver, WL - 4PCDD facult
Sadler, NC - English Admin/Prof
Deitering, Cynthia WL - Latino Cultural Cent Clinical/Research
Hanan, Khalilah CAL - Behavioral Sciences M/P Management
Rudisail, Christina CAL - School of Education Service
VanCleave, NC - White Lodging School Student
Karpicke, Stephanie WL - 4Convenience faculty
Anderson, Gillian WL - Food Stores Temporary Cler/Serv
Synesael, WL - 4Univer Band Clerical
Dydak, WL - Biological Sciences Mgmt/Prof
Tenneti, WL - 4 Laf Stwd Support

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