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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Steele, Collin W WL - Business Office VPR Admin/Prof $ 40,127.76
Steele, Donna L WL - Department of Health Clerical $ 26,098.64
Steele, James P WL - Operations and Mainten Service $ 34,549.52
Steele, Karen C WL - Building Services Service $ 28,281.53
Steele, Laura FW - Continuing Studies Limited Term Lect $ 1,936.00
Steele, Patricia A WL - Patti and Rusty Rueff Clerical $ 7,285.44
Steele, Ryan P WL - Intercollegiate Athl Temporary Cler/Serv $ 2,892.75
Steele, Sarah S WL - Vice President for H Admin/Prof $ 40,898.10
Steele-Morris, Charlotte Joy A WL - School of Veterinary Clin Res or NonTT $ 37,271.67

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Steele, WL - 4Convenience Student
Patty, CAL - Education Opportuni facult
Adelsperger, FW - Campus Credentials a Fellowship Pre Doc
Pawley, WL - Office of Engagement Limited Term Lect
Pearce, WL - Purdue University St OT-CLOSED GROUP
Campbell, Taylor CAL - 1CollNursing Faculty
Pearl, WL - 4Forest Ntr Support
Crowell, FW - Accounting and Finan Temporary
Harbison, WL - 4RecandWellnes Continuing Lecturer
Pearson, WL - Liberal Arts Counsel M/P Professional
Chavez, Christina' WL - Civil Engineering M/P Management

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