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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Stan, Silvia WL - Nutrition Science Faculty $ 90,428.87
Stanchev, Lubomir P FW - Computer Science Faculty $ 41,562.04
Stanchfield, James G WL - IT Teaching and Learni Operations/Technical $ 43,892.06
Stanciu, Lia A WL - Materials Engineerin Faculty $ 138,424.09
Stanczykiewicz, William A WL - Human Development an Limited Term Lect $ 5,999.99
Standifer, Anthony N WL - 4Police Dept Police Hourly $ 76,343.98
Stanfield, J R WL - IT Security and Poli Mgmt/Prof $ 94,233.66
Stanfield, Jason WL - Department of Manage Continuing Lecturer $ 67,448.28
Stanfield, Jonathon S WL - 4Police Dept Temporary Cler/Serv $ 938.00
Stanfill, Melissa K WL - 4SIS Post Doc Intern Res $ 20,842.77
Stangl, Joseph E WL - International Progra Admin/Prof $ 101,462.01
Stangle, Rhonda J WL - Purdue University St Clerical $ 26,110.41
Stanish, Lee E WL - Agricultural Economi Admin/Prof $ 36,559.63
Stanisz, Edward D WL - Agriculture Informat Admin/Prof $ 83,002.88
Stankowski, Rebecca H CAL - 1CollegeLASS Faculty $ 118,681.26
Stanley, Amy J WL - Business Office Engi Mgmt/Prof $ 54,291.30
Stanley, David L WL - Aviation Technology Faculty $ 128,792.76
Stanley, John M WL - Building Services Service $ 20,514.21
Stanny, Margaret E WL - International Progra Admin/Prof $ 47,726.52
Stansberry, Bruce R WL - Operations and Mainten Service $ 53,346.69
Stansbury, Betty M WL - 4Airport Ope Mgmt/Prof $ 107,286.15
Stanton, Meggan M WL - Animal Disease Diagn Service $ 25,885.26
Stantz, Keith M WL - Health Sciences Faculty $ 98,840.91

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Stan, FW - Operations Faculty
Vogelpohl, WL - Materials Management Mgmt/Prof
Zickmund, Phyllis WL - Academic Technologie Clerical
Voglewede, FW - VC Fin Service
Slack, WL - 4MMD Limited Term Lect
Petre, WL - Libraries Admin/Prof
Biesiada, Brittany WL - Health Temporary
Vogt, Patrick NC - Dean of Students Student
Goin, WL - Animal Disease Diagn M/P Management
Galyon, Sarah NC - Communication Professional
Barrett, WL - Liberal Arts Counsel Temporary Cler/Serv

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