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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Stacy, Jill M WL - College of Engr Admi Operations/Technical $ 36,484.22
Stacy, Len E WL - 4ColumPoly Limited Term Lect $ 3,611.61
Stacy, Shelby L WL - Engineering Educatio Clerical $ 20,590.15

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Stacy, WL - Building Services - Temporary Cler/Serv
Ortiz, Benjamin WL - 4RecandWellnes Faculty
Alagna, Michael WL - Student Orgs Admin Admin/Prof
Layman, WL - Diversity Clerical
Leighton, Tyler WL - Central Staff Benefi Mgmt/Prof
Ware, WL - 4Wiley Student
Robertson, Greg WL - Glass Shop Rchg Temporary
Dorton, Megan WL - 4OfcRiskMgmt Service
Kavanaugh, WL - 4Third St Post Doc
Tilton, Angela FW - Human Services Limited Term Lect
Beadles, Kimberly WL - Building Services Operations/Technical

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