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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Sondgerath, Tracy L WL - 4PayrollSvcs Admin/Prof $ 54,988.88
Sondgerath, Travis C WL - Field Extension Educ Admin/Prof $ 27,795.67
Sondgerath, William J WL - College of Engr Admi Mgmt/Prof $ 93,274.98

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Tormoehlen, FW - Information Technolo Operations/Technical
Sondgerath, WL - College of Pharmacy Service
Milam, Gregory WL - Materials Eng Student
Lawrence, Cody WL - Animal Sciences Rese Post Doc
Domonkos, WL - Animal Sciences Rese Temporary
Jones, Carmen WL - Animal Sciences Rese Temporary Cler/Serv
Hankins, Jason WL - Health Mgmt/Prof
Stierwalt, Courtney WL - Chemical Engineering Faculty
Pass, Christine WL - Chemical Engineering Temporary A/P
Beagle, WL - Chemical Engineering facult
Grott, Michael WL - Hillenbrand Residenc Limited Term Lect

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