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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Skurzewski, Kathleen K FW - Information Technolo Admin/Prof $ 39,021.24

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Skurzewski, FW - Arts and Sciences Admi Admin/Prof
McNelly Valladares, Carla FW - Arts and Sciences Admi faculty
Shandrick, Michael FW - Dept of Comp Elec and Service
Arias, FW - Dept of Comp Elec and Fire/Police BW Sal
Albaugh, FW - Dept of Comp Elec and Professional
Sadof, Clifford FW - Dept of Comp Elec and Temporary
Taylor McGrady, Kellie FW - Marketing Publicati Temporary Cler/Serv
Price, Jayne FW - Marketing Publicati Intern
Haygood, FW - Marketing Publicati Student
Suazo Flores, Elizabeth FW - Marketing Publicati Clerical
Strickland, Lorenyetta FW - Marketing Publicati M/P Management

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