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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Shoop, Jillaine A WL - Curriculum and Instr Limited Term Lect $ 2,780.01
Shoop, Orlo G WL - Administrative Compu Admin/Prof $ 56,427.24
Shoop, Wesley M WL - College of Education Operations/Technical $ 43,809.20

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Shoop, CAL - Transportation Support
Kelleher, Michelle WL - Building Services Visiting Faculty
Bucher, Bridgit WL - Agronomy Post Doc
Alkire, Catherine WL - 4FES Student
Wasson, WL - Talent Acquisition Temporary Cler/Serv
Robertson, Ashley WL - Vet Tech faculty
Lowry, James WL - College of Business Admin/Prof
Markley, FW - 2OACS Mgmt/Prof
Chandra, Anindita WL - Owen Residence Hall Limited Term Lect
Johnson, Chrystal WL - Academic Affairs M/P Professional
Sherer, - Polytechnic Kokomo Temporary

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