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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Shee, Christie N WL - Office of The Indian Admin/Prof $ 47,323.62
Sheehan, Amy H WL - Department of Pharma Faculty $ 106,049.22
Sheehan, Sarah E CAL - 1DeanStud Clerical $ 14,331.82
Sheese, Danielle E WL - College of Science A Admin/Prof $ 42,535.64
Sheets, Bethany M WL - Purdue University St Operations/Technical $ 1,520.00
Sheets, Brenda H WL - 4Schl Cnst M Clerical $ 31,965.97
Sheets, Brent E WL - College of Science A Operations/Technical $ 34,939.08
Sheets, David M WL - Building Services Service $ 21,309.76
Sheets, Debra K WL - 4ITAS Mgmt/Prof $ 106,209.84
Sheets, John O FW - Project Management Admin/Prof $ 58,722.78
Sheetz, Ann P WL - IT Customer Relation Clerical $ 32,753.61

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Shee, WL - 4Trans faculty
Schnake, WL - 4Trans Temporary
Clupper, WL - 4Trans M/P Management
Pollard, Nikki WL - Animal Sciences Police Hourly
Lewis, WL - Cary Quadrangle Management
Kepner, Scott WL - Facilities Clerical
Hosack, WL - Operations Professional
Brown, F WL - Mathematics Post doc
Verhey, WL - Operations Clin Res or NonTT
Mockus, Linas WL - 4PolyNewAlb facult
Cantu, Kenneth NC - PoliSci/Econ/WL Mgmt/Prof

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