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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Schweitzer, Diane CAL - Hospitality and Touri Limited Term Lect $ 5,635.01
Schweitzer, Ellen K WL - Hall of Music Operat Temporary Cler/Serv $ 85.25
Schweitzer, James F WL - Radiological and Envir Mgmt/Prof $ 118,591.64
Schweitzer, Lee E WL - Agronomy Faculty $ 90,820.68
Schweitzer, Mary WL - Global Engineering P Admin/Prof $ 63,764.88
Schweitzer, Roberta A WL - Nursing Faculty $ 37,943.06

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Hunt, Rickard WL - Technical Assistance Temporary
Schweitzer, WL - Industrial and Physi Executive
Evans, Jessica WL - Field Extension Educ Fire/Police Mgmt
Tracy, WL - Course Design Admin/Prof
Mosier, Tami WL - Field Extension M/P Professional
Walgamuth, Melissa WL - 4Success Non-exempt Prof
Jumabayeva, WL - IT Student Solutions Service
Lane, Stacy WL - Mathematics Faculty
Stacy, Len WL - Field Extension Continuing Lecturer
Ikner, Martha WL - 4Ford Dining Temporary A/P
Tolliver, Kirk NC - Heating and Power Student

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