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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Sailors, Chad M WL - 4MMD Service $ 30,399.24
Sailors, Justine M WL - 4VPHumanReso Admin/Prof $ 52,482.36

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Chevrie, WL - Department of Econom Student
Sailors, WL - Industrial and Physi Fire/Police Mgmt
Shaw, Liane NC - Department of Busine Temporary
Elzey, WL - Human Development an Admin/Prof
Cassens, CAL - 1CollegeTech Service
Ma, Guojie WL - Forestry and Natural faculty
Hatvani, CAL - 1OffStudLife Mgmt/Prof
David, WL - Shreve Residence Hal Operations/Technical
Vaughn, Cassandra WL - Medicinal Chem/Molec Clerical
Hendricks, WL - Athletics Facilities Temporary Cler/Serv
Zhang, Cathy WL - Vice President for H facult

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