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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Ruple, Audrey WL - 4CmpPathobio Faculty $ 128,580.47

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Ruple, WL - Mastodon Acad Perf Limited Term Lect
Roper, Carolyn WL - EAPS Admin/Prof
Sisco, Shannon WL - College of Liberal A Service
Ayala, Malissa WL - Field Extension Educ Student
Noah, Melody - Psychological Scienc Clerical
Chavez, Corayma WL - Senior Vice Presiden Continuing Lecturer
Grider, Stacie FW - Mastodon Academic Pe faculty
Tabol, Charity WL - Office of Engagement Professional
Hoagland, Mary CAL - Construction Scienc Operations/Technical
Coors, Michelle WL - Technology Leadersh police
Bordelon, Bruce WL - 4CurricandInst Temporary Cler/Serv

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