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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Romero, Jesus WL - 4LdrshpDev Admin/Prof $ 41,627.98
Romero, Mario A WL - Civil Engineering Mgmt/Prof $ 86,439.90
Romero, Raquel WL - Building Services Service $ 21,667.20

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Romero, WL - IT Security and Poli faculty
Koch, Russell WL - Ofc of Prof Develop/ Service
Thomaz, Jose WL - Lg Anml Hosp Gen Adm Clerical
Modiriasari, NC - NC Building Services facult
Slaybaugh, WL - Professional Sales C police
Aryal, WL - Heat and Power Adminis Temporary
Freeman, Lynetta WL - Naval Science Limited Term Lecture
Monahan, WL - Public Health Post doc
Sheldon, Edward WL - Financial Aid Mgmt/Prof
Lewellen, Gary WL - Materials Eng Professional
Lafon, WL - Ag Info Tech Admin/Prof

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