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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Robison, Andrew WL - University Residence Mgmt/Prof $ 73,390.71
Robison, Colleen M CAL - Human Resources Admin/Prof $ 76,842.00

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Robison, WL - Center Comp Trans Re Service
Rodriguez, Kerri FW - Office Diversity and M Professional
Reibman, WL - WL MRDH Admin Admin/Prof
Woodcox, Stephanie WL - PCEE Faculty
Schenk, Jayna WL - Golf Course Operatio Operations/Technical
Henagan, Tara WL - Southwest - Purdue A Mgmt/Prof
Bierman, Rebecca WL - Ofc - VP Ethics Clerical
Anderson, Cheryl NC - F S Equip Rep and Repl Student
Quinn, FW - FW Grounds Temporary Cler/Serv
Butcher, Lindsay WL - Biochemistry facult
Lumkes, FW - Student Success Temporary

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