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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Reynolds, Clint G FW - Physics Limited Term Lect $ 8,400.02
Reynolds, Connie J WL - Chemistry Operations/Technical $ 36,269.28
Reynolds, Courtney W WL - Cary Quadrangle Admin/Prof $ 38,749.44
Reynolds, Danielle L WL - New Albany Statewide Clerical $ 22,648.60
Reynolds, David J FW - Comptroller Admin/Prof $ 52,736.82
Reynolds, Dennis E WL - In-House Project Man Service $ 39,593.02
Reynolds, Dora K WL - Veterinary Medical T Service $ 23,457.25
Reynolds, Kathern S WL - College of Pharmacy Clerical $ 34,392.25
Reynolds, Kirsten D WL - Financial Aid Admin/Prof $ 57,962.10
Reynolds, Larry D WL - Building Services Service $ 19,957.60
Reynolds, Laura K FW - College of Education Admin/Prof $ 48,540.30
Reynolds, Michelle L WL - Business Office Mana Mgmt/Prof $ 32,379.94

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Acharya, Lalatendu WL - Purdue Cancer Center Admin/Prof
Reynolds, NC - Behavioral Sciences Faculty
Kauffman, Brenda FW - Printing Services Mgmt/Prof
Venetis, Maria WL - Department of Econom Temporary Cler/Serv
Acharya, Lalatendu WL - Rolls Royce Limited Term Lect
Abuizam, Raida FW - Visual and Performing Operations/Technical
Abuizam, Raida WL - CARE Program M/P Management
Sultemeier, Lisa FW - Medical Education Clerical
Wigle, WL - KRACH Ops M/P Professional
Towner, CAL - 1Transport Student
Law, Jared NC - Communication Professional

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