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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Reuzenaar, Robert L WL - 4ITAS Admin/Prof $ 77,108.34

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
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Reuzenaar, WL - 4EAPS Admin/Prof
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Utturkar, CAL - 1AdvisingCtr Operations/Technical
Grant, Michelle CAL - Graduate Studies In Student
Ferris, Virginia WL - Student Orgs Admin faculty
Kail, Robert WL - Operations and Mainten Fire/Police Mgmt
Corvalan, Carlos WL - Central Staff Benefi Post Doc
Govan, Jennifer WL - Aeronautics and Astron Clerical
Henry, Anthony WL - 4Success Support
Grant, Michael FW - Student Activities Professional
Grant, Michelle FW - Arts and Sciences Admi LTD

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