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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Remmenga, Brad A NC - Financial Aid M/P Management $ 88,754.80

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Remmenga, WL - Aero Mgmt/Prof
McCain, Tsianina WL - Delphi Dept Graduate Student
Witkovsky, Mandi WL - ICA Admin facult
Bingle, Michelle WL - OIGP/PULSe Post doc
Hawkins, Michael WL - Enrollment Mgmt faculty
Rajpal, Angel WL - Outreach Operations/Technical
Buxbaum, Jason WL - Director of Dining Temporary
Woods, Gregory NC - Maintenance Admin/Prof
Springer, Terryl WL - EAPS Service
Airoldi, WL - WiEP Student
Cui, Xingshan WL - Ford Dining Clerical

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