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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Reck, Calvin C WL - Civil Engineering Admin/Prof $ 41,583.60
Reckerd, Cherie L WL - Printing Services Clerical $ 9,938.13
Reckowsky, Constance L WL - Vice President for H Admin/Prof $ 49,179.54
Reckowsky, Michael J WL - Vice President for R Admin/Prof $ 70,013.53

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Reck, NC - Purchasing Operations/Technical
Fields, FW - Purdue Systems Secur Student
Reef, Mark FW - Shipping and Receivi faculty
Payne, David WL - 4Sr Dir EES Clerical
Payne, David WL - 4Sr Dir EES Service
Libauskas, Amy FW - 2VCSA Limited Term Lect
Pearson, Christopher FW - 2VCSA PAA/PRF/PolyTech
George, Judy WL - 4Bus Mgrs facult
Payne, Ricardo WL - 4Third St Non-exempt Prof
Payne, Ricardo FW - 2CASA Professional
Payne, Candice WL - 4WIEP Temporary

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