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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Rawles, Cheri L WL - Accounting Services Admin/Prof $ 38,827.50
Rawles, Monique A WL - Director of Business Admin/Prof $ 59,130.18
Rawles, Phillip T WL - Computer and Informa Faculty $ 99,187.54

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Rawles, WL - VPHR Information Tec Limited Term Lect
Gurganus, Kayla WL - 4EAPS facult
Wise, Faith WL - PRIME Lab Temporary Cler/Serv
Burton, Stephen FW - Public Policy faculty
Dorfman, NC - Grounds Admin/Prof
Pacelli, Morgan WL - 4Eng Ed Temporary
Noerenberg, Catherine CAL - 1NCCampusRel Graduate Student
Cahoon, WL - 4PhysandAstr Clerical
Ledman, Cassandra WL - Strategic Management Post Doc
Kuebler, CAL - Human Resources Service
Perkins, Jackelyn WL - 4StdtRecBusS Management

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