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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Purple, Katherine M WL - University Press Admin/Prof $ 55,187.56
Purple, Kyle L WL - Botany and Plant Pat Admin/Prof $ 71,830.20

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Purple, NC - Student Counseling Faculty
Carilli, Theresa WL - Liberal Arts Counsel Resident
Grott, Michael WL - Global Health Temporary
Eaton, Tracy WL - Programs Admin/Prof
Haviarova, Eva WL - Mathematics Student
Swisher, Bethany WL - WL PVIL RA Operations/Technical
Cloutier, NC - Valparaiso Academic Fire/Police Mgmt
Chute, WL - Purdue Climate Chang Mgmt/Prof
Newton, Kelly WL - Equipment Room Professional
Baker, Judith WL - ProSTAR TLI Leadersh Clerical
Meilan, Richard WL - KRACH Ops Fire/Police BW Sal

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