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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Proctor, Janelle M WL - Vice President for H Clerical $ 32,773.85
Proctor, Janet D WL - College of Health an Admin/Prof $ 45,145.32
Proctor, Richard H WL - Wiley Residence Hall Service $ 18,778.68
Proctor, Robert W WL - Psychological Scienc Faculty $ 204,250.10

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Proctor, FW - Management and Marketi Faculty
Xu, Jinming WL - Resident Activities Clerical
Bogard, Karen WL - Purdue University St Admin/Prof
Zeytinoglu, WL - UR Administration Mgmt/Prof
Xue, Sichuang FW - FW Building Srvcs Student
Levell, Joseph FW - Building Services Temporary Cler/Serv
Wegner, Ginger FW - Building Services Temporary A/P
Xu, Cheng FW - Building Services facult
Purvis, FW - Building Services Non-exempt Prof
Xu, Jie FW - Building Services Operations/Technical
Scott, Daniel FW - Building Services Temporary

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