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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Powell, Afrika CAL - College of Engineer Professional $ 42,515.16
Powell, Cara M WL - Dining Director Ops M/P Management $ 88,106.65
Powell, Charles D WL - WL - Grounds Service $ 45,407.36
Powell, Douglas R WL - Human Dev/Fam Studie Visiting Faculty $ 184,287.85
Powell, Gloria L WL - Basic Med Science Support $ 44,703.03
Powell, Jodie R FW - General Studies Support $ 26,633.93
Powell, Lauren P WL - LGBTQ Center Professional $ 55,781.76
Powell, Manushag WL - English Faculty $ 137,802.12
Powell, Michael C WL - Operations & Mai Service $ 32,594.80

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Powell, CAL - 1AdvisingCtr Temporary Cler/Serv
Gou, NC - Admissions Admin/Prof
Sanders, Timothy WL - Ofc of VP Stu Life faculty
Jaynes, Patricia CAL - 1CollNursing Post Doc Intern Res
Foley, Rachel WL - Water Works Graduate Student
Manier, FW - Chemistry Mgmt/Prof
Pelter, Michael WL - On the Go Student
Chandrasekar, Srinivasan WL - Wiley Residence Hall Service
Deen, Tonya WL - Rueff School of Desi Operations/Technical
Braden, Joseph NC - The College of Scien Temporary
Mynatt, Lisa WL - Office of Treasury O Clerical

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