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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Pistole, Mary C WL - Educational Studies Faculty $ 80,836.18

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
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Johnson, Tammy WL - WL HILL Admin Student
Lines, Marshall WL - WL FST Admin Service
Greene, LaTayna WL - Sm Anml Hosp Gen Adm faculty
Benes, Bedrich WL - Regulatory Affairs A facult
Jackson, Sylvia WL - Quantitative Methods Clerical
Meech, Sally WL - Hoosier Heartland IS Graduate Student
Nolte, WL - WL HILL Admin Support
Meech, WL - 4Poly Indpls Continuing Lecturer
Vottero, WL - MRI Center Recharge Post Doc Intern Res

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