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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Peyton, Albert L WL - Industrial and Physi Limited Term Lect $ 10,800.00
Peyton, Brandon T WL - Heat and Power Adminis Service $ 38,031.97

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Peyton, CAL - Campus Planning Police Hourly
Henry, Madeleine WL - Purdue Bound Intern
Detzner, Timothy WL - Electrical and Compute Post Doc
Bachmann, WL - Operations and Mainten Management
Lambirth, Harold WL - Grounds Limited Term Lecture
Padgett, Mark NC - VC Information Servi Clerical
Woolard, Jeffrey WL - EPICS Service
Weiderhaft, Rick WL - College of Health an Mgmt/Prof
Banuelos, Rodrigo FW - Dean of Students Fire/Police BW Sal
Shahidi, Freydoon WL - 4Op and Maint Temporary A/P
Di, Hui WL - Technical Assistance Faculty

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