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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Petrie, Vickie A FW - International Langua Limited Term Lect $ 2,439.99

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Petrie, CAL - 1Univ Police Operations/Technical
Keener, Stacy CAL - 1VCEMSA Post Doc
Green, Henry CAL - 1VCEMSA Admin/Prof
Butz, Cheryl CAL - 1VCEMSA Student
Torres, WL - Engagement faculty
Oney, WL - Engagement Limited Term Lect
Yue, WL - WL ERHT Admin Clerical
Broni, Christine CAL - Grad School Service
Greene, John WL - Energy Management facult
Karcher, Brandon WL - Senior Director for Temporary
Pardonek, James WL - 4Comp and IT Temporary A/P

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