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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Peters, Benjamin J WL - MedChem/Molecul Phar Post Doc $ 34,196.01
Peters, Linda R WL - Building Services - Service $ 34,169.74
Peters, Lisa K WL - Program Support Support $ 41,028.68
Peters, Nancy J WL - Curriculum & Ins Limited Term Lecture $ 8,424.16
Peters, Rex A FW - DCS Credit Ops Limited Term Lecture $ 64.53
Peters, Todd J CAL - Academic Center for Temporary $ 442.05
Petersen, Christine M WL - Psychological Scienc Temporary $ 277.20
Petersen, Eldon R WL - Capital Program Mana M/P Professional $ 126,087.84
Petersen, Lori A CAL - Psychology Faculty $ 62,269.55
Peterson, Duane R WL - Operations & Mai Service $ 50,720.02
Peterson, Erica M WL - Ofc - VP Ethics & Professional $ 63,907.45
Peterson, John R WL - Physics & Astron Faculty $ 121,828.57
Peterson, Jonathon R WL - Mathematics Faculty $ 130,049.83
Peterson, Kimberly S WL - Biological Sciences Support $ 38,190.16
Peterson, Megan C WL - Field Extension Professional $ 42,921.40
Peterson, Nancy J WL - English Faculty $ 149,228.76
Peterson, R E FW - Org Leadership/Supv Limited Term Lecture $ 5,599.97
Peterson, Robert M CAL - Ofc of Mrktg & Professional $ 16,418.24
Peterson, Savannah J WL - Biological Sciences Service $ 4,442.40
Peterson, Stephany E WL - PUSH Service $ 3,105.00
Peterson, Susan L WL - Field Extension M/P Professional $ 88,692.96
Peterson, Tony W FW - Operations & Mai Service $ 36,914.71
Peterson, Tracey A FW - Info Tech Support $ 46,037.15

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Peters, WL - Purdue Ag Center Operations/Technical
Lumkes, John WL - In-House Project Man faculty
Stevens, FW - Nursing Post Doc
Huckleberry, David WL - Materials Engineerin Admin/Prof
Ghosh, Manali WL - Athletic Computing Student
Stein, NC - Student Counseling Service
Adeniyi, CAL - Graduate School Adm M/P Professional
Meyer, Jordan FW - College Cable Access Clinical/Research
Thomas, James WL - Discovery Park Admin Temporary Cler/Serv
Lawrick, Elena WL - 4Southern IN Temporary
Palazzolo, Joseph WL - Dining Food Truck Mgmt/Prof

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