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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Paulsen, James WL - Student Flight Instr Temporary $ 10,675.00
Paulsen, Jonathan M WL - Ind St. Chemist Professional $ 69,380.40

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Paulsen, FW - Library Admin/Prof
Carroll, Liane NC - Chemistry Clerical
Carr, WL - Ag Operations/Technical
Crabtree, Debra FW - Biology Visiting Fac/Emeriti
Cooper, Barbara NC - Mathematics Service
Seetharam, Arun CAL - Purchasing and Gene Mgmt/Prof
Zippert, Erica WL - WL TARK Admin Student
Dixon, Jameson WL - DBM Admin Post doc
Seetharam, Arun CAL - Behavioral Sciences Continuing Lecturer
Kim, Hyun-Wook NC - Vice Chancellor Acad facult
Baxter, Charles NC - Vice Chancellor Acad Post Doc Intern Res

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