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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Patton, Aaron J WL - Horticulture and Lan Faculty $ 120,495.94
Patton, John D FW - Marketing Publicati Mgmt/Prof $ 84,097.94
Patton, Michael R CAL - 1Admis/Rec Admin/Prof $ 41,331.48
Patton, Venetria K WL - English Faculty $ 163,450.21

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Crum, WL - South Bend/Elkhart S Temporary A/P
Patton, WL - South Bend/Elkhart S Clerical
Nof, WL - Department of Econom Admin/Prof
Deal, WL - Department of Econom Student
Cusick, Patrick WL - Department of Econom Visiting Fac/Emeriti
Biehl, WL - Department of Econom faculty
Nohinek, WL - Department of Econom Service
Nhamo, Pauline WL - College of Technolog Post Doc Intern Res
Tarfulea, WL - College of Technolog Operations/Technical
Tung, Wen-wen WL - College of Technolog Temporary
Park, Joon Hyeong WL - College of Science A Limited Term Lect

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