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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Palm, Cory W WL - Graphic Design Professional $ 64,462.66
Palm, Jaclyn M WL - Academic Student Ser M/P Professional $ 57,678.68
Palmer, Andrew J FW - Student Housing Management $ 60,453.60
Palmer, Eric H WL - Nursing Continuing Lecturer $ 73,215.19
Palmer, Laura A WL - HHS Admin Temporary $ 13,959.79

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Palm, CAL - Communication and C Admin/Prof
Li, Ming WL - Animal Sciences Clerical
Deevy, Patricia WL - Veterinary Medical T Clinical/Research
Carraro, Nicola Wl Faculty
Mukherjee, WL - Honors College M/P Management
Stirm, Brian NC - Grounds Mgmt/Prof
Young, Christopher NC - Mathematics Operations/Technical
Spears, Becky FW - 2NCAAComp Service
Reed, FW - FW Chancellor Admin Student
Crane, Kenneth WL - Dean Ag Alumni Temporary A/P
Shoup, WL - Woodland Farms Temporary Cler/Serv

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