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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Oswalt, Brian D WL - IT Business Solution M/P Professional $ 125,650.44
Oswalt, Nancy K WL - Financial Aid Support $ 44,819.50

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Oswalt, CAL - Admissions faculty
Mears, Jill NC - Heating and Power Admin/Prof
Towner, Nicole WL - 4EAPS Temporary Cler/Serv
Boone, Monica WL - Tarkington Residence facult
Burke, Adrean WL - 4Wiley Dine Service
Roman Ochoa, FW - Management and Marketi Police Hourly
DeBoy, Ryan CAL - CIVS Professional
Holley, Heather NC - Student Activities Limited Term Lect
Clare, CAL - 1Psychology Temporary
Gipson, NC - Math Stat Post doc
Null, WL - Villa Pizza Student

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