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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Newton, Charles R WL - Technology Leadersh Limited Term Lect $ 7,316.02
Newton, Gail D WL - Department of Pharma Faculty $ 111,000.48
Newton, Jill A WL - Curriculum and Instr Faculty $ 104,594.96
Newton, Kathryne A WL - Technology Leadersh Faculty $ 182,356.72
Newton, Kelly K WL - Office of VP for Inf Operations/Technical $ 41,819.26
Newton, Lisa D WL - 4Wind Dining Service $ 28,407.42
Newton, Patrice A WL - 4Hall Music Temporary Cler/Serv $ 11,134.16
Newton, Susan A WL - 4IT ERM Admin/Prof $ 71,022.38
Newton, Tim E WL - School of Management Mgmt/Prof $ 104,373.12
Newton, William A CAL - 1CollegeTech Temporary Cler/Serv $ 4,680.00

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Newton, WL - Office of Government faculty
McConnell, John WL - SPS Mgmt/Prof
Price, Jessica WL - Accounting Services Admin/Prof
Skiles, Diana NC - Admissions Professional
McClure, David FW - Grounds Executive
Viens, Frederi NC - Heating and Power Service
Stingle, Sheila WL - Honors College Post doc
McCartney, William CAL - Graduate School Adm Fire/Police Mgmt
Ritter, FW - Consumer and Family Sc Fire/Police BW Sal
Maynard, Jess WL - Chemistry Fire/Police Admin
Morehead, CAL - Ofc of Mrktg Clerical

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