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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Negishi, Ei-ichi WL - Chemistry Faculty $ 130,970.69

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Negishi, CAL - Human Resources Service
Gutensohn, Michael WL - Academic Programs faculty
Masters, Christi NC - Foreign Languages Mgmt/Prof
Frost, Tobias CAL - Nursing Masters police
Gevers, Theresa FW - Alumni Relations Student
Liratni, Michelle FW - Medical Education Non Pay
Saylor, WL - 4Latino Cult Admin/Prof
Vargas, Martha WL - Latino Cultural Cent Limited Term Lect
Peda, Linda WL - Latino Cultural Cent M/P Professional
Grauvogel, William WL - Latino Cultural Cent Clerical
VanNahmen, Marshall WL - Latino Cultural Cent Support

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