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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Mylrea, Brian R FW - International Educat M/P Management $ 70,097.52

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Mylrea, WL - UR Administration Temporary
Wartell, Michael WL - Biomedical Engineeri Admin/Prof
Inoue, Tomohito WL - The Cyber Center Post Doc
Eichrodt, LouAnna WL - Engineering Program facult
Bryant, Jennifer WL - Materials Engineerin Graduate Student
Stanley, David NC - Financial Aid Limited Term Lect
Berry, Chance WL - Villa Pizza Continuing Lecturer
Clare, FW - Small Business Devel Mgmt/Prof
Furry, John WL - 4ConsSci faculty
Stanczykiewicz, William WL - Computer and Informa Service
Rodriguez, Jesus FW - Visual and Performing Temporary Cler/Serv

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