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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Musser, Candis J WL - Women's Track Support $ 37,813.94
Musser, Christal A WL - OIGP/PULSe M/P Professional $ 63,933.52
Musser, Joy D FW - DCS Credit Ops Limited Term Lecture $ 10,600.07

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Musser, Wl Mgmt/Prof
Rayle, WL - 4Grad School Clerical
Weiser, Irwin WL - Enrollment Mgmt Faculty
Corwin, Trisha CAL - 1PF Service
Wakeland, WL - 4Botany Admin/Prof
Gorla, WL - 4AOBO Operations/Technical
Burniske, Gary WL - Department of Food S facult
Patterson, WL - Board of Trustees Post Doc
Tislow, Jeffrey CAL - 1HistPhil Limited Term Lect
Harris, WL - Board of Trustees Temporary Cler/Serv
Thottethodi, Mithuna CAL - Energy Efficiency and Continuing Lecturer

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