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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Murray, Allison T FW - Student Success & Professional $ 26,271.55
Murray, Allison K WL - Mechanical Engineeri Post Doc $ 32,121.88
Murray, Anna WL - Chem Engr Fellowship Pre Doc $ 11,888.69
Murray, Crystal L WL - Chem Engr Professional $ 78,468.24
Murray, Dennis J WL - Operations & Mai Service $ 83,356.68
Murray, Jennifer A WL - IT End User Experien Management $ 45,238.00
Murray, Justin E WL - Animal Facilities CM Service $ 27,105.54
Murray, Kelly J WL - PUSH M/P Professional $ 81,946.18
Murray, Laura M WL - Vet Clinical Science Service $ 50,136.92
Murray, Michael D WL - Pharm Prtc Faculty $ 74,046.90
Murray, Phillip P WL - Polytechnic Vincenne Limited Term Lecture $ 7,969.58
Murray, Renee L WL - Rueff School of Desi Continuing Lecturer $ 46,873.65
Murray, Russell E FW - FW Building Srvcs Service $ 30,242.36
Murray, Steven A WL - IT Student Solutions Professional $ 56,848.20
Murray, Todd R WL - IT Student Solutions Professional $ 94,824.48

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Murray, FW - Registrar Service
Nunez, Armando CAL - Admissions Mgmt/Prof
Ji, Xiaochun CAL - Graduate School Adm Faculty
Hoogewind, Kimberly CAL - Campus Life and Dea Temporary Cler/Serv
Papka, Elizabeth NC - Student Counseling Admin/Prof
Chafin, WL - 4An Sci Res Student
Watkins, Kelli WL - 4ConsSci Post Doc Intern Res
Jones, WL - ECN Clerical
Baer, Megan FW - Mastodon Academic Pe Limited Term Lecture
Grider, Marsha CAL - White Lodging Schoo Graduate Student
Ramachandran, P WL - Ground Recharge Oper Post Doc

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