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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Mullen, Bill V WL - English Faculty $ 126,778.71
Mullen, Deidre J WL - Agricultural Communi Clerical $ 23,458.17
Mullen, Kimerly L WL - Business Office Agri Admin/Prof $ 53,696.34
Mullen, Michelle V WL - College of Health an Admin/Prof $ 32,148.00
Mullen, Sue A WL - Earhart Residence Ha Service $ 22,170.39
Mullenberg, Barbara A WL - Medicinal Chem/Molec Operations/Technical $ 39,145.47
Mullenberg, Jeremy D WL - Operations and Mainten Service $ 35,437.85
Mullendore, Nathan D WL - Forestry and Natural Admin/Prof $ 29,671.99
Mullens, Jill M WL - School of Management Admin/Prof $ 49,936.98

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Mullen, WL - EM Communications Faculty
Anderson, Felicia WL - Applied Research Service
Reiff, NC - White Lodging School Professional
Kingma, Amy WL - Basic Medical Scienc Student
Rossmann, Michael WL - Sm Anml Hosp Gen Adm Clinical/Research
Lelievre, Sophie WL - Ofc of Globalization Admin/Prof
Kelley, Mark WL - Golf Course Operatio police
Paarlberg, WL - Procurement Services Temporary
Cubberley, Raymond WL - 4OIRAE Mgmt/Prof
Johnston, Michael WL - 4Exploratory Temporary A/P
Inghram, CAL - 1Admis/Rec Support

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