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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Millspaw, Jacob P FW - Physics Continuing Lecturer $ 54,652.35

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Millspaw, WL - 4Comp Sci Service
Hegarty, FW - Radiological and Envir police
Wright, Tyler CAL - 1Visual Ctr Clerical
Valliere, Brenda WL - President Jischke Mgmt/Prof
Dahlstrom, CAL - 1SpaMgtPlaDe Admin/Prof
Thomas, Anthony WL - Purdue Institute for Post doc
Whittaker, Alan WL - Purdue Institute for Support
Maahs, WL - Purdue Institute for Faculty
Dekle, WL - Purdue Institute for facult
Stephenson, Robert FW - 2SchoolofEdu Temporary
Stephenson, Marcia WL - Genomics Core Rechar Continuing Lecturer

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