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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Mills, Allyson M FW - Administrative Busin M/P Management $ 100,601.01
Mills, James D WL - Operations & Mai Service $ 46,524.63
Mills, Justin B FW - Bursar & Stu Fin Support $ 32,696.64
Mills, Maya A WL - WL WILY Housing Service $ 21,502.53
Mills, Robert J WL - Honors Communication Professional $ 30,124.73
Millsaps, Mary D WL - Regulatory Affairs A M/P Management $ 122,738.20
Millspaw, Jacob P FW - Physics Continuing Lecturer $ 72,731.97

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Mills, WL - 4ParkFacWL Post Doc
Shumaker, Mary FW - 2AdminBusSrv Post Doc Intern Res
Savaiano, Dennis WL - IT Customer Relation Admin/Prof
Alderman, Susan WL - Study Abroad Faculty
Honn, WL - Health Operations/Technical
Geller, Ricki WL - 4Conferences Temporary
Saucedo, Antonio WL - MBA Weekend Limited Term Lect
Rojas, Theresa NC - Alumni Affairs Visiting Fac/Emeriti
Satterfield, Mary Ann FW - Sociology Mgmt/Prof
Hirsch, Andrew NC - Copy Center Student
Lamey, David WL - Mathematics Temporary Cler/Serv

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