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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Meyers, John A WL - Capital Proj Professional $ 81,944.40
Meyers, Kelly K WL - EM Communications Professional $ 57,763.08
Meyers, Kelsey A WL - Field Extension Professional $ 49,883.00
Meyers, Lisa A WL - Mechanical Engineeri Support $ 31,409.32
Meyers, Stephen L WL - Hort/Landscape Archi Faculty $ 54,032.59
Meyers, Zachary WL - EAPS Fellowship Pre Doc $ 9,750.05
Meyers Gull, Anne M WL - Polytechnic Lafayett Limited Term Lecture $ 15,797.85

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Meyers, FW - Theater Admin/Prof
Briggeman, Ramona FW - Theater Clerical
Devine, David FW - Theatre Mgmt/Prof
Briones, Conchita FW - Theater Post Doc
Osborne, Caleb FW - Theater Service
Williams, Henry FW - Theater Temporary A/P
Liu, David FW - Theatre Visiting Fac/Emeriti
Fritz, Reinhard FW - Theater Operations/Technical
Osborn, Julie FW - 2Theater Temporary Cler/Serv
Ortiz, Twila FW - Theater faculty
Osborn, Farren WL - 4Meredith Student

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