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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Mercer, Darin L NC - Safety and Security Police Hourly $ 21,420.37

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Mercer, WL - Vice President for S Service
Osterling, Joanna CAL - Central Staff Benef facult
Van Kammen, WL - Security Management
Jo, WL - 4CPK Faculty
Baugh, Kelly WL - Department of Manage Temporary
Klassen, Anthony NC - Maintenance Fire/Police Admin
Jacko, Robert WL - Purdue Musical Organ Admin/Prof
Kostraba, WL - Communication Post Doc Intern Res
Lussier, WL - 4RCAC Non-exempt Prof
McGlothlin, WL - 4Fire Dept Student
Frisbee, WL - Dean of Students Mgmt/Prof

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