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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
McMillan, Cynthia A WL - Nutrition Science Service $ 11,860.00
McMillan, Gerald L FW - Information Technolo Service $ 510.22
McMillan, Jason M FW - Building Services Service $ 18,428.80
McMillan, Linda M CAL - University Division Admin/Prof $ 53,847.18
McMillan, Stephanie D FW - Music Clerical $ 24,055.20

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
McMillan, WL - Latino Cultural Cent Admin/Prof
Qu, Ming CAL - Behavioral Sciences Temporary Cler/Serv
Smith, Leo CAL - School of Education Clerical
White, Hannah NC - White Lodging School Faculty
Baumgardner, WL - 4Convenience Student
Carson, Julia WL - Food Stores facult
Bechtold, WL - 4Univer Band Support
Niedenthal, WL - Biological Sciences Post doc
Slavin, Shawn WL - 4 Laf Stwd Service
Fouts, Cooper FW - Comm Sci Non-exempt Prof
Phillips, Brian WL - 4Polytechnic Graduate Student

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