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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
McMahan, Heather M WL - UR Administration Professional $ 61,658.04
McMahan, Justin M WL - WL PVIL Admin Support $ 28,947.64

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Furrer, WL - Animal Sciences Admin/Prof
Flesch, WL - 4Interc Athl Faculty
Louthen, Tammy WL - Anthropology Mgmt/Prof
Glasson, Patricia WL - Tarkington Residence Operations/Technical
Terrell, Traci WL - WL CQ Housing Student
Hyde, NC - Student Counseling Limited Term Lect
Leib, Norman CAL - Graduate School Adm Visiting Fac/Emeriti
Uyeda, WL - High Voltage Post Doc
Farrell, Kelley CAL - 1Energy Ctr Temporary

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