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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
McGinn, Adam P WL - 4AnimalDisea Admin/Prof $ 37,622.06
McGinnis, Norma J WL - 4BOSO Ops Admin/Prof $ 11,601.37

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
McGinn, FW - Manufacturing and Cons faculty
Plank, John FW - Manufacturing and Cons Student
Gomez, Michael FW - Arts and Sciences Acad Clerical
Zemlyanov, FW - Arts and Sciences Acad Temporary
Rossetter, FW - Arts and Sciences Acad Admin/Prof
Craig, Rita NC - Mathematics Limited Term Lect
Milanowski, Benjamin WL - Physics M/P Management
Snow, James FW - FW Computer Science Mgmt/Prof
Krzic, WL - First Street Towers Operations/Technical
Abert, Eric WL - First Street Towers Service
Rossmann, FW - Schl of Polytechnic Support

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